Friday, July 27, 2012

Camp Croft Challange

Originally I was planning on running the entire 26.2 miles of the Camp Croft Challenge but after several long trail runs I am still having PF problems after 17 miles! It's really maddening. Running on the road seems to barely bother my PF at all but longer trail runs leaves me hobbling for the rest of the day. I guess that my next step is to start working toward a new trail shoe which is frustrating because I have been running in Montrails for years with no issues....... Not to mention the cost of trying to find the "right" trail shoe. There aren't many running stores that will take a shoe back (if you are not happy with it) after a 15-20 romp through the woods! So, I'm only going to be running 13.1 and a neighbor is going to be running the back half 13.1 as a relay with me. I'm also going give my New Balance MT101's a try and see how my foot feels. I have had good success with the road version of this shoe.
Last week when I ran my portion of the trail it was pretty muddy and the run was basically a beat down even though I took it pretty easy running mostly in Z1. The temp was 75 degrees and the humidity was 100% (no rain though) when I started out on the trail @ 8am and when I finished up the 13.1 loop (2hrs and 30min later) it was 78 with 94% Humidity. Unbelieveable! I ran with my hydration pack and consumed 64oz of water and ran out at about mile 12. I'm hoping for a little less humidity on race day and have decided not to take my hydration pack since the heat build up is huge during the summer with it.

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